About Me

My name is Leah and I am not ashamed to admit that I have Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Depression and Agoraphobia. They might be part of my brain, but they are not who I AM. :) I am a freelance writer, nurse and photographer. I am married with five beautiful children. I enjoy helping others, writing, reading, music, baking, crafting, making people laugh, laughing, photography, animals, Starbucks and Pinterest.

Anxiety decided to take my hand back when I was about 8 years old shortly after my Grandpa died. Without a dad, he was the man of my life even though he lived hours away. I developed extreme separation anxiety from my Mom. I remember screaming, yelling and feeling as though if she were to leave my sight or walk out that door that something really really bad was going to happen. I eventually worked through it with the help of my Mom and prayers.

From then until the age of 16 I had on and off episodes of generalized anxiety. I had no idea what the feelings I had really were. I knew they scared me, and I knew I did not feel normal. I didn't reach out to talk about it because I thought something bad would happen, or that I would be viewed as "crazy". It wasn't until I met a really good friend at the time who told me she experienced the same feelings. I knew then I wasn't alone, but I still I did not seek out help. Instead I turned to substances and relationships which further exacerbated the issues deep inside.

At the age of 21 I had my first full blown panic attack and somehow drove myself straight to the doctors office where I proceeded to freak out (with my 3 year old daughter in tote) thinking I was really dying, going crazy and having a heart attack all at once.

Twelve years later I am still fighting panic, anxiety and depression. Over these years I have learned a great deal. I have learned that you have to keep fighting. There is no giving up. There IS help out there. There IS help within yourself. I decided to take on the blogging journey with the hopes of reaching someone. Anyone who is searching for help, advice or tips on how to continue to LIVE your life. I might have my days, but I know this life is worth living. I hope and pray the information I share on this blog reaches and stretches across the miles to where it needs to go. I'm here to share hope.

Thanks for tagging along!


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